Grace - fresh vital worship since 1993

After-communion prayer and dismissal

Prayer after communion

One reader in each group

Jesus, who fasted alone for 40 days
Who pushed yourself to the limits
Who faced your demons and met your angels
We ask you to be in our fasting
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer

Jesus who ate with outcasts
Who broke down the barriers that divided people
By sharing food and drink
We ask you to be in our eating
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer

Jesus you had a passion for a life of extremes
You taught us that to live we have to be prepared to die
To eat we have to be prepared to fast
To love others we have to learn to be alone
We ask you to be in our living
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer

Jesus may we live your life with you and share in your death
May we have the courage to learn the secrets of the universe
To stare death in the face and to love life. Amen.

The dismissal

Go now, take courage to share the love of Christ
And take care to show his love
The blessing of God the merciful creator
The blessing of Christ, the strong saviour
The blessing of the Holy Spirit the giver of life
Be among us and remain with us
This day and the days of lent to come

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