Grace - fresh vital worship since 1993

August 2005: Greenbelt

we ran the installation Out Of Nothing - see March: Holy Week - Out of Nothing installation

Rebecca collected some feedback:

The typical comment from somebody who had just completed the installation was "Brilliant", or words to that effect -- I estimate that at least one person in ten said that. One person said she had been left feeling completely chilled.
I collected some more interesting comments after the event:
One person, a friend from Hinde Street, said, "It didn't do it for me". When I asked him why, it was clear that he did not appreciate the long blocks of music with no text -- if he had realised he could skip the blocks of music he might have had a better experience. As it was, he got no further than track three. He also complained that when listening to track two, he was not told when to take the blindfold off!
Another friend from Hinde Street had not seen the installation (you must admit that New Forms 2 is not somewhere you are going to stumble over by accident), but she remembered the reading I had used for morning prayers at a weekend away we had had just after Easter. It was an adapted version of the Day Seven reading. She said it was beautiful, and since she thought the creation story had been done to death it was very refreshing to hear a new take on it. Another member of the group who had been at the weekend away said the same.
Finally, somebody collared me in the bookshop. He liked the installation, but one thing spoilt it -- there were so many people talking in the venue that it was a distraction. He suggested that if we do something similar again we put up signs asking people to be quiet.

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