May 2017: Retreat

At 2016's planning day we came up with several aspects of community life to reflect on, one of which was the value of pilgrimage/retreat. So for the Grace Saturday in May we took part in a day retreat 10.30am - 4pm at the Mount Street Jesuit Centre in Mayfair.
The retreat was open to all, not just a Grace event. There were ten of us and about ten others, led by two facilitators. The format was:
- 10:30 Arrival, coffee and introductions
- 11:00 Opening prayer and reading together of a Bible passage - the Ascension
- 11:30 Silent reflection on the passage
- 12:00 Small groups — a chance to share what we had understood from our reflections, to listen, and learn from each other
- 12:40 Back together - drawing the threads together
- 1:00 Lunch
- 2:00 Reading together of a second Bible passage - the Emmaus road
- 2:30 Silent reflection on the passage
- 3:00 Small groups — as above
- 3:40 Drawing the threads together
- 4:00 Tea and depart
In the evening we ran a quiet prayer space in St Mary's from 8pm, alongside the cafe.